Cinnamon Bittern (Chestnut Bittern)



Ixobrychus cinnamomeus 
Uncommon, breeding resident not often seen because of their shy hiding nature. Can be easily identified by the distinctive chestnut brown colour. Has a yellow iris, orangish bill with a reddish base, greenish yellow tibia and tarsus (legs). Male uniformly chestnut upper parts, clearly visible white patch on the chin and the under parts are lighter chestnut with dark chestnut streaks. Female dark brown, blackish scaly pattern on the wings, under parts lighter with dark brown streaks. 
Best time to see this bird is early in the morning. It will immediately become stationary went disturbed and then flies away. Very silent Bird.  
Distributed throughout Sri Lanka. Mostly can be seen in Urban Wet Land Parks in Colombo.    

1. Date -2021/7/15 , Time- 6.42 am @ Thalangama wawa 
2. Date -2021/7/19 , Time- 8.08 am @ Thalangama wawa
3. Date -2021/7/19 , Time- 7.47 am @ Thalangama wawa 
4.Date -2021/7/19 , Time- 8.05 am @ Thalangama wawa 
5.Date -2021/7/21 , Time- 8.06 am @ Thalangama wawa 
6.Date -2021/7/19 , Time- 7.52 am @ Thalangama wawa
7.Date -2021/7/19 , Time- 7.59 am @ Thalangama wawa


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